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We hope our actions will encourage you to

journey without justification.

Natasha a.k.a. The Habit Honey

Specialty: Health & Wellness (RN, Certified Integrative Health Coach)

Differentiator: Research, Implementation and Application

Most alive when: In the sun, walking, and reading

Favorite foods: Potatoes, chickpeas, and ALL vegetables

Ricky a.k.a. Coach

Specialty: Business Strategy

Differentiator: Influencing others and Creative-thinking

Most alive when: Exploring and connecting with like-minded people

Favorite foods: Broccoli and potatoes

Better together…

We knew early on in our relationship that we were going to challenge one another in ways we’ve never been challenged before. We also knew that we were going to elevate one another exponentially. Throughout the discovery phase of our relationship, we came to the understanding that our collective foundation would need to be built on the concept of questioning and respecting everything. This is very much how we treated one another so it only made sense to extend this outside of our relationship.

As time went on, we really started to figure out how to understand one another and provide what the other needed given the various circumstances we were experiencing. Many of those interactions led to a curiosity in how we could continue to apply a similar thinking to how we wanted to navigate through all of our environments and experiences together. All of those thoughts, decisions, and applications are how we came to this very website. Truthfully, the four core values we build on in this platform are how we live our actual lives. And so we figured we would share them with you here, while expanding on the entire experience that goes into how the core value applies to the parts of our life we are documenting.

That’s right. The four words we cemented into our own dynamic are exactly what this idea was all about. Hence, The Fourword Life was created into our version of a decision-making documentary (kind of like a blog). So if there is nothing else you take away from this project, then please just think about how being more open, grateful, loving, and intentional can help change the trajectory of your life and propel you forward!